Analysis methods: how the trial results will be interpreted and presented

  • What does it mean?

Trial results are presented as numbers (for example, how well a treatment works) in long and detailed reports.

  • An example

When our toothpaste trial is over, we will have to discuss what the findings mean, how can they be applied in a wider context. We will want to show results to the trial team, and to the dental community, academics and patients. To do that, trial teams usually prepare presentations and reports. Whenever numerical information is presented, we will have to make calls on how to report it. 

  • How could patients be involved?

Patients could contribute to a better understanding of what the findings mean, as well as help co-design dissemination materials that include quantitative trial findings reported in a clear way.


  1. Public and patients could also identify other potential audiences.
    You mention presentations and reports - that is limited. PPI could help with devising innovative ways of presenting the information.


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