Withdraw or lost to follow-up

  •  What does it mean?
Trial participants may leave the trial actively (for example, they contact the trial team to say they no longer wish to participate) or passively (they stop answering questionnaires or attending clinical visits, this is usually called "lost to follow-up"). Both options are called "withdrawal from the trial". From a trials analysis point of view, they usually mean we can't include these participants in the final analysis. 

  • An example
Emma was happy to join the toothpaste trial and attend clinical visits every year for three years. However, she started a new job in a different city and is no longer available to attend clinical visits. Emma contacts the trial team and says she no longer wishes to take part. Emma has withdrawn from the toothpaste trial.

  • How can patients be involved?
Patients can be involved in collecting and interpreting information related to trial participant's withdrawal. They can also help decide the best way to summarise and present the information in trial team meetings and reports.


  1. Including reporting to participants. Those who complete should be thanked and praised.


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